Saturday, March 26, 2022

Official Video Release : Porn Dolls® - Featuring - Eden Softwood.

Introducing the very first video of our new spotlight series. Directed, and Edited by Francine Bubbles Kristan. A directorial debut in-fact! Making this production even more impressive.

Featuring one of our newest Porn Dolls® - Eden Softwood. Eden is Curvaceous and Delicious. With some mouth watering "Extra" too! A tantalising Porn Doll® offering something for everybody to lust after. Demonstrating just what the Porn Dolls® are all about. And Eden deservedly joins the ranks of 'Verified Porn Doll®' after this super hot video feature!

The video itself features beautifully smooth and probing camera moves plus hawt action. In a sleazy, atmospherically lit XXX Room. Setting a perfect tone for this erotic music video series. Every single second of this video combines showing off Eden's wonderful curves and assets with a stylish, artistic, erotic tone and mood. 

🢃 Watch The Movie Right Here 🢃

Francine Bubbles Kristan is a movie producer, Studio Co-Owner, and a Porn Doll® Actress to watch! With heaps of wonderfully kinky style and eroticism on show here in her debut production. Francine's impressive technical skills can also be seen on the intro graphics for all our Porn Dolls® Movies going forward. And also on the stylish 'Signature' intro to this series.

Porn Dolls® Co-Owner and Director Francine Bubbles Kristan. Photo By Porn Dolls® Producer Electronic Dust.

Yes, just as the 'Bubbles Kristan' name suggests Francine and I are Porn Dolls® Partners and Co-Owners and a bit more too. I'm so proud! And could not be happier to be sharing this Porn Studio experience and adventure with my wifey. We have so many amazing projects planned, and so much more to bring you. Keep watching this Blog! 

Serenity. x

Porn Dolls® - Featuring - Eden Softwood - Screen Shot Gallery

More After The Jump!

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Porn Dolls® Parade! - Hawt Porn Dolls® Gallery

Quinn Ying & Britsurfer.


Porn Dolls® Parade is a chance to see various Dolls caught on camera by our Official Photographers and Producers. Or from any source we spot. The aim of Porn Dolls® is to give spotlight to our girls wherever possible. Via exposure on this blog, promoted in Porn groups, or seen on Flickr and other Social media platforms. Our Dolls will get the ultimate Pornstar experience. As they belong to our studio, and we really want to help guide, and manage their careers. Especially those new to the scene.

In the first Porn Dolls parade we have a couple of old hands, myself and the the legendary Quinn Ying. Plus newcomer and hot Porn Dolls® property Tiffani T Topaz, the ultra busty Bimbo "Whore"! And my lovely wife and Porn Dolls® Co-Owner Francine. Todays photographers are Jay, Electronic Dust, and Britsurfer. Just click their links to check out their work on Flickr. Here on the post or on our side bar.

Tiffani T. Topaz & Britsurfer.

Francine Bubbles Kristan - By Electronic Dust.

Whore & Britsurfer.

Serenity Bubbles Kristan & Jay.

Tiffani T. Topaz - By Britsurfer.

Serenity Bubbles Kristan & Jay.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Porn Dolls® Studios Award Winning Movie : "Electric Pornstars - Star Wars Special" - Archives & Movie!

To celebrate our Porn Dolls® Studio winning at the SX Porn Awards. I delved into the archives and managed to find what i think are some pretty much un-seen Production Photographs snapped during the making of Electric Pornstars - Star Wars Special. These are photographs i took to help me experiment, or dial in sets, scenes, lighting, costumes etc. Or taken just because liked and wanted to keep! 

I am overjoyed this Movie won awards at the 2022 SX Porn Awards for Best Sex Scene, Editing, Director, Actress, and Best Movie! As if that wasn't enough it also features this year's best actor award winner Chase Stone! 

IraBimbo - Cockbuster Video Store Intern. ( Screenshot. )


I decided on making the film this time last year. Right around Awards time. I knew i wanted to release it on May The Fourth. Star Wars day! But i thought it might not be possible due to time. I also knew if i was going to meet that deadline i had to make it a bit more intimate than my last Star Wars movie, which had a huge cast and was a very long production. I set out to keep this simple. Just myself, IraBimbo as the Cockuster Video Store Intern. Plus Chase Stone who i had literally just seen win at the 2021 SX Awards, and thought, hey he'd make a great movie star for me! I also played several parts myself, such as Vader, and the Emperor and with the help of Green Screen built up scenes featuring myself three times! All this plus several inanimate mesh characters such as Threepio, and several Stormtroopers, and the not so inanimate Artoo. I was able to create the illusion of a fairly large production which was not at all that large.

Chase Stone Gets "Blown" Just before the Deathstar does!

Reducing the logistics of a large cast, and being left alone often to create and tweak sets helped the project move along quite quickly, this also knocked on to maximizing time on the post production side for visual effects and editing. Part of the process i absolutely love. I deeply love Star Wars, and this was all a total labour of love. 

At the end of it all I'm so happy to have made a movie i love, based on something i love, set in an era that's so special to me. Star Wars oozes nostalgia for me, and to set the movie in the 1980's a most perfect wonderful time of my life I look back on so fondly, was a match made in heaven. Hence the love letters to vintage Star Wars throughout. The Atari Games and Arcade Machine, original Marvel Comics, Star Wars VHS Tapes, and Kenner Star Wars toys on show in the Video Store.

I was thrilled The SX Awards Judges liked it too, and also the Porn Community who voted too. To have won awards, attached to this project is a total dream come true. I hope you enjoy this photo gallery and maybe enjoy for the very first time on the Porn Dolls® Blog an encore of the movie just below too.

Serenity. x

🢃 See Or Download The Movie Here! 🢃

See More After The Jump!

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

What Are Those Porn Dolls® Owners Up To!? - Awards Ceremonies, Upcoming Projects, & New Sponsor!

Just what are the Porn Dolls® owners Francine and Serenity Bubbles Kristan up to? Well you can probably guess a large percentage of it. But that's actually not all we do! We're busy planning some cool, exciting, and totes hawt Porn Dolls® Videos, Movies, content, and features. We're also getting totes Glammed up to attend the SX Porn Awards this Sunday!

Both myself and Francine are also poised to release finished Video projects. Francine with her super sexy visually stunning Porn Dolls® Spotlight feature on our lovely curvaceous Doll Eden Softwood. The first of an ongoing series which will show off the Porn Dolls® at their sizzling best! And myself of course with the first Porn Dolls® Booty Camp movie. Starring another new stunning Doll Tiffani T Topaz.

Porn Dolls® News.

We're also always looking to expand opportunities for our Porn Dolls®. With Official Photographer Britsurfer looking to produce "Behind The Scenes" photography for the Booty Camp series, and Pornstar Legend Alexus Minotaur is working with me, and will be in search Porn Doll® Models in the near future for a Porn Comic Book Porn Dolls® Booty Camp cross over feature on his Blog The Minotaur Maze! 

But, that's not all! We have our first Sponsor, and going forward our movies will be produced with the help of Quinn Ying Productions. Quinn is Second Life Porn Royalty! She is most definitely an honorary Porn Doll®. And hope we can tempt her in to a appearance in front of the cameras! I'm honoured that her furnishings, naughty accessories, and items will be enhancing our projects.

Come back soon for the latest!

Serenity. x

( To answer questions you may have. Yes i do love Marilyn! And yes we are both David Lynch fans! )

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Preview - Porn Dolls® Booty Camp - Part One - Booty Camp Daze!

All images used here are un-edited screenshots from the upcoming Booty Camp Daze! Film.

Starring - Tiffany T Topaz, Serenity Bubbles-Kristan.

Directed & Written By - Serenity Bubbles-Kristan.

This project has been described as a "Fake Reality Show". It's going to tell the stories of how our Porn Dolls® arrived at our Studio. Not exactly "True Stories". But maybe... "based on real events". It will be a periodical series, and another way of introducing the Dolls to you, along Side Francine's superb ongoing video project series. I will return to it regularly, in among my other film projects. Booty Camp will build and build and paint a totes fake picture of every day Porn Dolls® life! Featuring many of our Dolls. You'll also meet some of the strict, bitchy, Booty Camp instructors who train them.

In Part One I'm joined by the super hawt, and very lovely Porn Doll® Tiffani T Topaz. Who has posed for our Official Photographer Britsurfer, but never been involved in a video project before. I was thrilled to be able to give her her Porn Star movie debut. I'm sure you'll agree she looks stunningly sexy and a total natural.

We did meet at The Pink Institute too! just as it shows in the film! Since i first met Tiffani she's transformed into a totes hawt, curvy, busty Bimbo Doll. So eager to become the best Bimbo Porn Doll she can be. So, keep watching the groups blog here for more Tiffani!  

Or even better why not Join our Porn Dolls® Group, get our "Only Fans" tag, and enjoy early news, bonus, and exclusive content! And even some interactions with some of our Porn Dolls® Brats and Princess's!

Taking a break from the 1980's, The Cockbuster Video Store, and my Electric Pornstars series has not meant easing up on the sexy side of fun in my movies. This tells a albeit simple fun little tale of Tiffani meeting Serenity at The Pink Institute. And being inducted into The Porn Dolls. A Porn Studio that is not all it seems! Methods such as Hypnosis, Bimbo Make Overs, Plastic Surgery, training, and even extreme sissy training! Are common place within Porn Dolls, and means there is nowhere to hide for anybody! How much is true and how much isn't? Only the Porn Dolls know!

The film should be going live here on the Blog inside the next couple of weeks. And has a running time of just over 20 mins. Filmed on location at the home of the Porn Dolls® The Pink Institute!

Enjoy more screen shots from 

Booty Camp Daze! After The Jump!

Porn Dolls® 2025 - The Ultimate Eye Candy : Vol 3

Model/Actress Jewell Charon - Wanna Play a Game - Lets go Arcading :)     Including Content Not Seen On The Sexiest® Of The Week! Our Por...