Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Porn Dolls® Parade! - Volume 4

AI Brilliance. From Anastasia Cakez.

The very first 'Porn Magazine' i ever saw nestling up on the top shelf of the 'News Agents' in the UK back in the '80s was the very British 'Parade Magazine'. It was in fact the first thing i thought about for a title for this feature back when i started this site. 'Parade' was packed full of retro hotties back in the day. And now Porn Dolls® Parade is packed full of present day genuine 21st Century Porn Mega Stars! Representing our Studio, Group, and Scene so well. 

An Evolution In Porn.

The new directions our Porn is taking us very much made me think of the stark differences between that old Magazine on the Top Shelf, and the world we live in today. I'm very proud Porn Dolls® very much show the evolving face of Porn in the Virtual World perfectly. And it's not only hotter than much of the RL Porn from yesteryear. But, now we're seeing a complete blurring of the lines between Virtual and Real World with the addition of AI thrown into the mix. And no more so than the image above. Anastasia Cakez amazing AI rendering of her Second Life Self Portrait Image. ( You can see the original Photo at the bottom of the gallery. ). Anastasia's work is not only stunning, and just about the hottest thing i've ever seen come out of Second Life, but It perfectly demonstrates how Second Life Porn in general can conquer the world! The 'Real World' too. Not just the Virtual. And i just know our Porn Dolls® are here for it! 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Porn Doll® Video Star Anastasia Cakez Stars In Jason Steele's Hawt Porno Promo!

I was thrilled to hear about this Eastbound Studios video release way back when i was told it was coming our way. And was so looking forward to it! Having got amazing views of Anastasia's new super hot, super curvy perfect Porn Doll® looks up close, and in person at The Pink Institute. And knowing Jason Steele's talent and ability to show them off on a classic Porno movie set. The prospects for something special was very high and very hawt! 

The screen shots i managed to grab here make amazing, arousing, and totally sizzling previews to what is a showcase of pure porn. Big congrats to Anastasia Cakez, and Jason Steele on this production. I am so proud to have them both associated with Porn Dolls®. They truly made something special together. But, it's us, the audience are the big winners! Enjoy the video below, and a hot screen shot gallery here on our Porn Dolls® Site.

Watch Anastasia Cakes Promo Pt. 2 ( Below ) 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Sybil Black - Porn Dolls® elite, luxury, super hawt, MILF Porn Mega Star

Sybil Black is without doubt one of Porn Dolls® legendary, elite, luxury, super hawt, MILF Porn Mega Stars! And surely just one glance at the content here will back up my words! 

With a taste for the finer, ( And bigger ) things in life! Sybil Black usually gets what she wants. And it's usually on screen for us all to enjoy while she gets it! Sybil appears regularly with ease in sizzling hawt porn content, and because we can never get enough of it. I would urge Producers to keep up her on screen presence. We don't want to miss a second of this super ultra busty curvy hawt Porn Mega Star!

I'm delighted to have her in our Porn Doll® ranks. It's a true hawt, sexy, honor. 

If you wish to cast Sybil You contact her on Second Life hereOr Twitter here. Or even get in touch with Me ( Serenity Kristan ) In-World. And we'll sort something out. 

Monday, May 15, 2023

Porn Doll® Movie Star : Meku'z Stars In Jason Steele's Hawt New Porno Movie!

Meku'z is off to a awesome start in her Porn Dolls® Career. With multiple Movie Shoots, and Photo shoots to her name. The fact that Porn Dolls® fans have been treated to so many hot views of her perfect Bimbo Pornstar curves and looks already is such a bonus! 

Yes, it's true Meku'z has really hit the ground running! But, a heads up to all your Photographers and Directors out there. She's hungry, and eager for much much more! I'm also editing an exciting new Porn Dolls® Video Feature rigfht now, starring Meku'z too! So, i can guarantee, fans of her shapely Bimbo body don't have too long to wait for more!

Please make use of all the links featured here. To Meku'z Second Life Profile. And also take a Trip to Porn Hub. For Jason's Eastbound Comics/Studios projects.

We see our Doll here starring in Jason Steele's stand alone Meku'z Promo Video. Looking every inch the totes Luxory Porn Doll®. The Video is lifted from the much larger main project Honey! I Fuck The Yard Guy 3. I absolutely love this concept. A main project traditional multi scene Porno Movie. But, with stand alone Video releases focusing on each of its stars. Which makes each Porn Star involved feel that little bit extra special. With maximum spotlight thrown on to them. It's a concept i also subscribe to. Which means you'll many such movie releases here at Porn Dolls® site.

Jason does pure, perfect old school Porn so well within Second Life. Tried and trusted 'hook up' methods set up wonderfully hot scenes. ie 'The MILF and Yard Guy' here. His style and concepts mean we get introduced to a steady array of hot porn starlets too through the running time of every main movie he produces. Jason explores every hot animation at his disposal, entertaining and titillating his audience to the max! We're proud to have him as a associate producer here at Porn Dolls®. And thankful for this and many future Porn Dolls® castings we can expect to see in Eastbound Comics/Studios projects.


Meku'z Promo Video

Honey! I Fuck The Yard Guy 3 


🚨 A Porn Dolls® Premiere 🚨 The Holiday Special Movie : ❄️ Serenity's Winter Warmer ❄️

What can i say about this little Holiday Movie? Well....It really is the sum of all it's parts for sure. And it features all kinds of pa...